I’m late – for a very important date!

Life would get boring without the occasional curve ball, right?  That’s what I’m telling myself while I race to the finish line of Dogs, Lies, and Alibis (Working Stiffs Mystery #5). 

Yep, the book that I thought would become available in August isn’t quite done, but it will be soon, so please check back in late September for book news.  Better yet, sign up for my newsletter to receive book release alerts.

While we all wait for Dogs, Lies, and Alibis to hit the virtual shelves of our favorite online bookstores, there’s something in the real world that we can do right now that’s so much more important – and that’s providing financial support to the American Red Cross and the vital organizations providing aid to the victims of Hurricane Harvey.  As many have stated since Harvey struck, we are all in this together.  🙂
